What is land reclamation and how to carry out land reclamation engineering

Reclamation of land from the sea refers to the use of a certain height of cofferdam to enclose a certain range in the coastal or estuarine areas of a silted tidal flat. The sediment brought by the tide is used to deposit land above sea level, or sea embankments are directly used to enclose the upper and even intertidal zones to obtain land from the seaside, or a large amount of sea sand and stones are poured into the sea or constructed artificial islands in shallow coastal areas or around islands.

A powerful tool for land reclamation - a dredger, whose task is to carry out underwater earthwork construction, deepen, widen, and clean existing waterways and ports; Excavate new waterways, ports, and canals; Dredging the foundation trenches of docks, docks, ship locks, and other hydraulic structures, as well as throwing excavated sediment into the deep sea or filling land depressions for land reclamation, are powerful tools for sand reclamation.

There are two main types of dredgers for dredging operations, one is called rake suction dredgers, and the other is called cutter suction dredgers. A drag suction dredger, which extends two drag arms like arms on the seabed, with a maximum depth of 90 meters. It sucks sediment from the seabed into the mud tank through a mud pump and a set of underwater pumps on the drag arms. This ship can dredge 20000 cubic meters of soil in an hour. After sailing to the designated area, it can be transported to the area where we need to fill the sea or land or build an island through the connection of hydraulic filling pipelines.

In the construction of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, the engineering construction consists of two parts: the bridge and the tunnel, and the tunnel part uses dredgers.

Excavation of foundation trenches for tunnel construction requires a dredger. Precise fixed point and positioning, and a trench is opened at the bottom of the the Pearl River to ensure the lowering of the tunnel immersed tube. The connection between tunnels and bridges, the connection between tunnels and land, and the construction of several artificial islands. Taking the East Artificial Island of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge as an example, this article introduces a typical process of island construction.

In the construction of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, the construction of artificial islands involves dredging an area with a dredger, inserting cylindrical steel piles underwater, connecting them, and then injecting sediment inside. The connection is connected together through connecting pieces, ultimately forming the shape of an island. Next, evacuate the water inside it and pour in the rocks or some hard substrate below. During the pouring process, continuously drain the water, add some sediment, and then fill it into an island. After the island is completed, we will carry out leveling work, and finally we will pour concrete to build it into such a beautiful island.

The artificial island of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is near the open sea at the mouth of the the Pearl River River. There are also some major projects in our country, such as the construction of Shanghai Yangshan Port, which is completely constructed in the open sea.