Vibroflotation compaction

Vibrocompaction utilizes the repeated horizontal vibration and lateral compression generated by specialized vibroflotation equipment to gradually destroy the structure of the soil and rapidly increase pore water pressure. Due to structural failure, soil particles may transfer to low potential energy positions, resulting in a transition from loose to dense soil.
Construction process:
(1) Level the construction site and arrange pile positions.
(2) The construction vehicle is in place, and the vibroflotation device is aligned with the pile position.
(3) Start the vibroflotation device and slowly sink it into the soil layer until it reaches a depth of 30-50cm above the reinforcement depth. Record the current value and time of the vibroflotation device passing through each depth, and lift the vibroflotation device to the hole opening. Repeat the above steps 1-2 times to make the mud in the hole thinner.
(4) Pour a batch of filling material into the hole, sink the vibroflotation device into the filling material for compaction and expand the pile diameter. Repeat this step until the depth current reaches the specified compaction current, and record the amount of filling.
(5) Lift the vibroflotation device out of the hole, continue the construction of the upper section of the pile, and complete the entire pile vibration construction. Then, move the vibroflotation device and equipment to another pile position.
(6) During the pile making process, each section of the pile body should meet the requirements of compaction current, filling amount, and vibration retention time. The basic parameters should be determined through on-site pile making tests.
(7) The construction site should be pre equipped with a mud drainage ditch system to concentrate the mud water generated during the pile making process into the sedimentation tank. The thick mud at the bottom of the tank can be regularly excavated and transported to a pre arranged storage location. The relatively clear water at the top of the sedimentation tank can be reused.
(8) Finally, the pile body with a thickness of 1m at the top of the pile should be excavated, or compacted and compacted using methods such as rolling, dynamic compaction (repeated compaction), and the cushion layer should be laid and compacted.