Combined method of well point precipitation and dynamic compaction

The vacuum well point precipitation dynamic compaction method is mainly applicable to high saturated soil and soft clay with poor drainage. The vacuum well point drainage is carried out first before dynamic compaction.
Well point precipitation process
Construction preparation - Pipe well positioning, water flushing (mechanical) drilling - Connection of well pipes - Trial operation and debugging - Installation of water collection main pipes - Lower sinking well pipes - Sealing of well point pipes - Pumping and external drainage

The main construction process of dynamic compaction construction
Site cleaning and leveling - measurement and setting out and layout of compaction points - compaction operations - leveling and backfilling after compaction - vibration compaction of the roadbed after three rounds of dynamic compaction construction.

The crane is in place, the hammer is aligned with the compaction point and lifted to the design height. The design height is calculated by dividing the compaction energy required by the design document by the weight of the hammer. After the hammer is unhooked and falls freely, the hook is lowered, and the compaction operation of one compaction point is completed according to the required number of point compaction times. The entire process of dynamic compaction is monitored.