The construction of soft soil subgrade on highways is often affected by the characteristics of poor bearing capacity, high moisture content, and weak permeability of soft soil subgrade, resulting in settlement problems. This not only affects the safety and comfort of the subgrade engineering, but also increases the cost of highway operation and maintenance. Therefore, taking effective measures to solve the phenomenon of highway settlement has become an important issue that urgently needs to be addressed, and the preloading and drainage consolidation method can effectively prevent and control settlement problems.

The water bag preloading drainage consolidation method is one of the effective methods for treating soft soil foundation of road and highway subgrade, with high work efficiency, low cost, safety and reliability, and green environmental protection..

The traditional roadbed preloading and drainage consolidation method adopts the filling method for loading, which requires a large amount of machinery and soil for piling, and the construction process is complex and cumbersome, resulting in high engineering costs. In response to the shortcomings of traditional roadbed loading methods, this new type of roadbed loading preloading and drainage consolidation method - water bag preloading method.
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